Source code for decu.logging


Logging system setup for decu, specially, make multiprocessing and logging
play nicely together.


import os
import logging
from .config import config

__all__ = ['DecuLogger']

# logging.Handler objects cannot be pickled, and thus multiprocessing
# doesn't handle them well. In practice, this means that decu.Script
# objects cannot hold a reference to logging.Handler objects since they
# will be pickled when we call (from run_parallel). The solution
# is that decu.Script objects hold instead a DecuLogger object, that itself
# doesn't hold a reference to Handlers. The handlers (and indeed Loggers,
# Formatters, et al) all live inside the global loggers dictionary, where
# the keys are the logfiles. In this way we can safely pickle Scripts.
loggers = {}

[docs]class DecuLogger(): def __init__(self, start_time, project_dir, module): self.logs_dir = config['logging']['logs_dir'] self.log_fmt = config['logging']['log_fmt'] self.time_fmt = config['logging']['time_fmt'] logfile = os.path.join( project_dir, self.logs_dir, config['logging'].subs( 'log_file', time=start_time, module_name=module)) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(logfile), exist_ok=True) self.logfile = logfile logger = logging.getLogger(logfile) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter(self.log_fmt, datefmt=self.time_fmt) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) loggers[logfile] = logger
[docs] def log(self, level, msg): loggers[self.logfile].log(level, msg)
[docs] def debug(self, msg): loggers[self.logfile].debug(msg)
[docs] def info(self, msg): loggers[self.logfile].info(msg)
[docs] def warning(self, msg): loggers[self.logfile].warning(msg)
[docs] def error(self, msg): loggers[self.logfile].error(msg)
[docs] def critical(self, msg): loggers[self.logfile].critical(msg)