
This is the decu tutorial. Follow a long for a tour of decu's main features.

Example Project

After you have installed decu in your (virtual) environment, you can follow along with this example project. This example will showcase the three main sets of functionality that decu provides: project organization, bookkeeping, and inspection. It is best if you follow along by copying and pasting the source code we show below in a temporary project.

Project organization: decu init

The first step is to get our file system set up to run an experimental computation project. Navigate to an empty directory where your project is going to live. Call this directory root_dir. Now execute

$ decu init
Initialized empty decu project directory in <root_dir>

decu follows a somewhat strict template of what a project filesystem should look like, and with $ decu init, all we're doing is setting up root_dir to reflect decu's organization. If you now ls your root_dir you will see something like the following.


The purpose of each directory created by decu is straightforward. The data directory is assumed to contain raw or processed data files. The logs directory will store the logs of running experiments. The pics and results directories will hold plots, figures, and result files generated by your decu scripts. The src directory will contain said scripts.

Project bookkeeping: decu exec

With this directory structure, we can now start coding our computational experiments. Create a file script.py inside root_dir/src that contains the following.

import decu

class MyScript(decu.Script):
    def exp(self, data, param, param2):
        return [x**param + param2 for x in data]

    def main(self):
        data = range(100)
        result = self.exp(data, 2.72, 3.14)

In script.py we subclass decu.Script, define an experiment method exp, and call it on some data from the main method. Note that the method is decorated with @decu.experiment which requires us to specify which of exp's parameters is treated as the data input. All other parameters are treated as 'experimental parameters'. More on experimental parameters later. That's basically all that this code does.

What could we expect decu to do in this simple example? Bookkeeping! Note that we didn't save the results of our experiment to disk, or used log files or print calls to document what the script is doing. This was not an oversight, it was on purpose. In fact, decu will do all of this for us.

Before running the above script, the directory structure should look as follows.


NOTE: After having called $ decu init in root_dir, all successive calls to decu should be made from root_dir itself. That is, do not cd into src/ and then call decu. All console commands from here on will be done from root_dir.

Simple run

Now cd to root_dir again and run our script through decu.

$ decu exec src/script.py

After executing script.py, we can now take a look at what happened to root_dir.


Here, both log_file1.txt and result_file1.txt will have a name including the date and time of execution and the name of the script that generated these files, among other information.

This is (one of) the main features of decu. We needn't specify what information we want to log, or the file name where we want to save our experimental results. In fact, we didn't even need to manually save the results to disk ourselves. decu will take care of the bookkeeping.

To see more specifically what decu saves to the log file, do

$ cat logs/log_file1.txt
[<time>]INFO: Starting exp--0 with {'param': 2.72, 'param2': 3.14}.
[<time>]INFO: Finished exp--0. Took 4e-05.
[<time>]INFO: Wrote results of exp--0 to results/result_file1.txt.

Since our script is very simple, decu just needed to log three lines. However, you fill find there's a trove of information here. Without writing a single line of logging or I/O code, we now have:

  1. a unique file with a time-stamped recount of what our script did,
  2. a record of the experimental parameters with which exp was called,
  3. the time it took to run exp,
  4. a file containing the results of running exp with the recorded parameters. This file contains in its name the name of the script and the function that generated its contents.

To understand why the log_file1.txt logs the call to exp as exp--0, we need to modify script.py a little.

Multiple runs

import decu

class MyScript(decu.Script):
    def exp(self, data, param, param2):
        return [x**param + param2 for x in data]

    def main(self):
        data = range(100)
        result = self.exp(data, 2.72, 3.14)
        params = [(data, x, y) for x, y in zip([1, 2, 3], [-1, 0, 1])]
        result2 = decu.run_parallel(self.exp, params)

We have included further experiments now. We are calling the same method exp but with a different choice of parameters each time. decu.run_parallel(method, params) will call method(*l) for each element l in params, and it will do so by using Python's multiprocessing library, which means that these experiments will be run in parallel.

To execute this new version, we do

$ decu exec src/script.py

First of all, take a look at the current state of root_dir, after a second run our script.


Here's what happened: decu created a new log file for this second experimental run, log_file2.txt. It also generated one result file for each of the experiments we ran. To understand the contents of the new result files, we need only read the new log file. (Your output maybe slightly different in the order of the lines.)

$ cat logs/log_file2.txt
[<time>]INFO: Starting exp--0 with {'param': 2.72, 'param2': 3.14}.
[<time>]INFO: Finished exp--0. Took 0.0004s.
[<time>]INFO: Wrote results of exp--0 to results/2017-10-20 18:21:28.374962--script--exp--0.txt.
[<time>]INFO: Starting exp--2 with {'param': 2, 'param2': 0}.
[<time>]INFO: Starting exp--1 with {'param': 1, 'param2': -1}.
[<time>]INFO: Starting exp--3 with {'param': 3, 'param2': 1}.
[<time>]INFO: Finished exp--2. Took 4e-05s.
[<time>]INFO: Finished exp--1. Took 5e-05s.
[<time>]INFO: Finished exp--3. Took 6e-05s.
[<time>]INFO: Wrote results of exp--2 to results/2017-10-20 18:21:28.374962--script--exp--2.txt.
[<time>]INFO: Wrote results of exp--1 to results/2017-10-20 18:21:28.374962--script--exp--1.txt.
[<time>]INFO: Wrote results of exp--3 to results/2017-10-20 18:21:28.374962--script--exp--3.txt.

The first three lines are familiar. They correspond to the call to exp that we had before, and they provide similar information. We now know that result_file2.txt contains the result of running exp with parameters {'param': 2.72, 'param2': 3.14}. Then we used run_parallel to run exp over a list of parameters, and we get the last nine lines, which contain similar information as before, but for the three additional times we called exp. Observe that each time we call exp, the log file includes two dashes followed by a number, --x. This is a way for identifying different calls to the same experiment, and serves to tell which result file belongs to which experiment call. Note that the result files also contain the same identifier at the end. Without this identifier, our result files would all overwrite each other, or else there would be no way to tell which contains the result of which experiment call. In the example above, we need only match the identifier of a result file name with the experiment identifiers in log file, to know

  1. the method that generated the result file,
  2. the time it took to generate the file, and
  3. the experimental parameters that were used to generate it.

In other words, with these identifiers we can cross-reference results and experiment runs by using the log file. The run identifiers are guaranteed to be unique for each call to exp, even when using parallelism with run_parallel.

Oh, never mind the fact that we just used multiprocessing to run our experiments in parallel, with no additional imports and in a single call of run_parallel.


So now decu is handling logging, directory bookkeeping, cross-referencing experimental parameters and results, and parallelism, in 12 lines of python (two of each are empty BTW). But there's more!

Say now that you want to plot a pretty picture from your results. Enter the @figure decorator, used in the following version of script.py.

import decu
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class MyScript(decu.Script):
    def exp(self, data, param, param2):
        return [x**param + param2 for x in data]

    def fig(self, data, results):
        for res in results:
            plt.semilogy(data, res)

    def main(self):
        data = range(100)
        result = self.exp(data, 2.72, 3.14)
        params = [(data, x, y) for x, y in zip([1, 2, 3], [-1, 0, 1])]
        result2 = decu.run_parallel(self.exp, params)
        self.fig(data, result2)

After importing matplotlib, we have added the fig method, which we have decorated with @decu.figure(), and we call at the end of main.

You know the drill now:

$ decu exec src/script.py

The root_dir should now look as follows.


As before, we get our log file log_file3.txt and four result files. We also get out plot inside pics/. "But wait!"-I hear you say-"we never saved the plot to disk!" Exactly. You can open this file to convince yourself of how wonderful decu is.


You can also read the log file to see that it mentions which method (fig) generated the new figure file.

Project debugging: decu inspect

Oh, darn. We forgot to add a title to our plot. After we have modified our fig function to include a nice title, we can generate the new plot in a number of ways. First, we can run the whole thing again. This becomes increasingly cumbersome (and sometimes outright impossible) if exp takes too long to run, as it often does in real life. Second, since we have the result file, we can pop into a python interpreter, read the result from disk, and call fig again. This would require us to not only load the result, but the file script.py and instantiate the class MyScript. How tedious.

OR, we can use decu to do exactly that.

$ decu inspect results/result_file3*
import decu
import numpy as np
import src.script as script
script = script.MyScript('root_dir', 'script')
# loaded result

In [1]: data = range(100)

In [2]: script.fig(data, result)

In [2]: exit

If you have the necessary data in a file, then another possibility is:

$ decu inspect result_dict=results/result_file3* --data=data/data_file1.txt
import decu
import numpy as np
import src.script as script
script = script.MyScript('/tmp/root_dir', 'script')
# loaded result
# loaded data

In [1]: script.fig(data, result)

In [2]: exit

And in that case, yet another possibility, and the most efficient one, is to use the -c flag:

$ decu inspect -c "script.fig(data, result)" \
result_dict=results/result_file3* \

import decu
import numpy as np
import src.script as script
script = script.MyScript('/tmp/root_dir', 'script')
# loaded result
# loaded data
script.fig(data, result)


The -c flag takes an arbitrary string, executes it after the initial file loading is done, and then quits ipython. This makes it possible to fix our figure in a single decu call, without having to drop to an interpreter or manually load anything. Nifty, yes?

The final result is:

decu is awesome