Source code for decu.config


Custom configuration parsing for decu, based on configparser.

import os
import configparser
from string import Template

__all__ = ['config', 'DecuParser']

config_filename = 'decu.cfg'

[docs]class DecuParser(configparser.ConfigParser): """ConfigParser subclass for decu. Treat every option in the config file as a string.Template object. """
[docs] def subs(self, section, option, **kwargs): """Perform the named substitutions on the option. Each option in the decu configuration file is treated as a string.Template object, and thus accepts named variables for substitution. To read a raw option from the configuration file, do decu.config[section][option]. To read a substituted option, do decu.config.subs(section, option, kwargs) or decu.config.subs[section].subs(option, kwargs), where every keyword argument is a name=string pair to be substituted in the option. Args: section (str): the desired section. option (str): the desired option. kwargs (dict): every keyword argument is a name=string pair to be substituted in the option template. Returns: str: the option template with the named strings substituted in. """ return Template(self.get(section, option)).safe_substitute(**kwargs)
class DecuSectionProxy(configparser.SectionProxy): """SectionProxy subclass for decu. Treat every option in the config file as a string.Template object. """ def subs(self, option, **kwargs): """Perform the named substitutions on the option. See also: DecuParser.subs. """ return Template(self.get(option)).safe_substitute(**kwargs) configparser.SectionProxy = DecuSectionProxy config = DecuParser(interpolation=None)[os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), config_filename), os.path.expanduser('~/.{}'.format(config_filename)), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config_filename)])